Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


HPeC is an ANR project on Self-Adaptive, Energy Efficient High Performance Embedded Computing, with a UAV case study. The Coordinator is Lab-STICC / MOCS (Lorient / Brest), and the duration: 42 month from october 2015. Others Partners are: Inria Rennes, IRIT, Eolas.

In Ctrl-A, it is funding a PhD thesis or a post-doc position, to be hired in Grenoble and co-adivsed with Lorient. Another PhD based in Brest is co-advised by Stéphane Mocanu.

Informal National Partners

We have contacts with colleagues in France, in addition to the cooperation mentioned before, and with whom we are submitting collaboration projects, co-organizing events and workshops, etc. They feature : Avalon Inria team in Lyon (F. Desprez), LIP6 (J. Malenfant), Scales Inria team in Sophia-Antipolis (L. Henrio), LIRRM in Montpellier (A. Gamatié, K. Godary, D. Simon), IRISA/Inria Rennes (J. Buisson, J.L. Pazat, ...), Telecom Paris-Tech (A. Diaconescu, E. Najm), LAAS (Thierry Monteil), LURPA ENS Cachan (J.M. Faure, J.J. Lesage), …

Informal National Industrial Partners

We have ongoing discussions with several industrial actors in our application domains, some of them in the framework of cooperation contracts, other more informal: Eolas/Business decision (G. Dulac), ST Microelectronics (V. Bertin), Schneider Electric (C. El-Kaed, P. Nappey, M. Pitel), Orange labs (J. Pulou, G. Privat).